Bild Recruiting Trends 2021

Recruiting Trends 2021

Even though we can’t press the reset button in 2021 straight away and the “New Normal” will stick around a bit longer, 2021 has plenty of new and interesting recruiting trends to offer, that go beyond evergreens such as Employer Branding and Social Media Recruiting and show us some new perspectives.

Our Carysmo Consultants listened last year quiet closely, abstracted and worked out, which of the top 3 Recruiting Trends will move the HR world in the new year the most.

Enjoy reading!

#1: Multigenerational Workforce:

Already 2020 marked a fundamental generation change and reinforced the demographic change within society even further. The german employer market is slowly sending off the so called Baby Boomer Generation of the 1950’s and is welcoming Generation Z on the job market. The middle range of an age structure contains nowadays Millennials and the Generation X. The logical result: Multiple generations are representing multiple age groups and therefore facing HR with various inquiries.

70 % of the german professionals in HR are saying that a multigenerational workforce is making a company more successful and will transform the future of HR and recruiting in the long term.

Already 56 % of the companies are focussing on equal sourcing mechanisms to attract talent from all age groups.

Even though Millennials and Gen Z are representing the current majority on the employer market, all generations offer precious knowledge and undeniable experience in different fields, through which your company can grow positively. Therefore, multigenerational workforces profit from a vast range of soft and hard skills. While older generations’ strength can be experience and competence in the field of team-play, collaboration and fast problem solving, younger generations as digital natives, are presenting important digital hard skills and a high tolerance for agile work.

Above traditional understandings of diversity, multigenerational workforces are contributing towards a diverse working culture and diverse leader- management and employee levels.

#2: Data-driven-recruiting and HR-strategies:

Data-driven-recruiting is the top trend of 2021. Hiring plans and HR- strategies are being created, planed and executed on data-based measuring values.
AI-Tools or Recruiting-Marketing-Platforms are building the foundation of HR-analytics, which can analyse internal performance of companies and therefore help to identify and challenge target groups, within your talent sourcing more efficiently.

Saving lots of time and unnecessary costs is only one of many positive effects of data-driven-recruiting. The right numbers and data-based results are a winning argument to discharge unpopular business processes and focus on new horizons to maximize efficiency.

Are you interested in people- or HR-analytics and want to know more about the advantages for your HR-team? Why don’t you check out our latest blog article. Here, the focus of our Carysmo Consultants, lays exclusively on AI in HR:

#3: Digital Employee Experience:

Remote work, virtual teamwork and the “New Normal” are bringing the topic Employee Experience back on the 2021 HR agenda. The well known concept of considering employees’ point of view when it comes to decision making, becomes, due to virtual work and the lack of personal contact, more and more difficult to realize in full.
The new year is transforming the old ideas of Employee Experience and faces recruiters and leaders with the question “How can we digitally create an optimal work surrounding, in which employees don’t lose a certain professional attachment to the company?”.

Frankly, a vast question, and one that can find people searching for answers already on the leadership-level. In times in which companies are more likely to abandon micro-management and stiff hierarchies, leaders especially have to find a thoughtful handling of media.

Nowadays leaders have to lead virtually and be capable of creating trust digitally. The search for steady contact with employees, the creation of digital touch points and check ins, can create valuable attachment between teams and bosses from home office to home office.

Especially younger employee generations are struggling more in a virtual work surrounding. Compared to employees with stable family structures around them, younger employees find it often harder to stay motivated and productive. Particularly in times, in which personal contact is rare, the focus has to lay on empathy and strong, available communication lines.

A positive digital Employee Experience is grounding in a barrier free remote work structure. Nothing can be more frustrating, than a technical fault or blocked access to daily relevant tools on your workspace. Companies should enable their employees, to work as efficient as possible in their home offices – Through access to technical equipment, material and software. An employee who can start the day technically careless, will also work more efficiently from home.

If recruiters want to know, which ideas and attempts in regard to a digital employee experience strategy have been successful, they can evaluate their employees’ content through employee polls or quality checks. This way, measures for shared virtual work can be optimized and a stable attachment between employee and company can be guaranteed.

For over 20 years Carysmo Consultants has been following recruiting trends, in order to consult our long time clients around HR topics on the verge of time. We understand the demands HR-Managers and recruiters find themselves under nowadays and support your search for talents with traditional research methods, full direct searches or digital online screens. Always designed for your very needs – convince yourself!

Do you want to learn more about the HR-Trends in 2021? Then we recommend the following sources: