
ChatGPT – The Job Killer for HR and Recruiting?

Easy to use, impressively human-like results and almost no request that cannot be answered by the AI ChatGPT. This scenario is currently sparking prophetic-like interpretations for all our interactions – whether in our personal lives or in the world of work. There is no denying that the topic of AI has reached us all by now at the latest and will not leave our side in the long term. But those who rely too much on AI, especially in the world of human resources, will experience a rude awakening in the medium to long term.

First, let’s take a brief digression into the world of art. Think back…to the last painting, piece of music or live performance that really touched you. What do these art forms have in common? All are filled with intention, motivation, creativity, thoughts, stories, emotions, character, personality and vulnerability. In short, you find that indescribable human essence that is sometimes summarized under the term soul. It is the essence that makes up interpersonal – one of the most stirring art forms in our lives.

ChatGPT can be a wonderful tool for the working world. For example, in seconds, AI can create a logical, well-structured cover letter using common industry jargon based on three key pieces of data. But on closer inspection, it becomes clear that the „[…] cover letters seem too slick“. This is exactly how Mr. Lars Hahn, managing director of LVQ Weiterbildung und Beratung GmbH, puts it in his article about ChatGPT in the context of application procedures.

ChatGPT tries to pretend humanity, but there are no corners and edges in the texts of the AI like in a human cover letter. They are generic products without intention, without creativity and motivation – without the necessary humanity. Relying solely on AI means losing personality and authenticity. This is true for both the employee and the employer side. Both want to see the individual and human in the respective counterpart, as well as experience appreciation of their personality. Consequently, those who rely solely on AI in the recruitment process will be lost in the crowd. And only those who strive for individuality and directness will stand out from the crowd. For clarification, see Figure 1.


Lived individuality and personal exchange on the part of employers and future employees are not only necessary for the first steps of the candidate journey, but also for the right match in the context of cultural fit. However, it takes more than most modern application processes, which are increasingly based on impersonal application portals and complex correspondence, to be able to assess this. The really interesting candidates are often lost in this process.

ChatGPT also recognizes this and summarizes:

„While a technology can significantly improve the efficiency of the recruiting process it’s essential to remember that it’s not a replacement for human judgment. Recruiters will still need to make the final decision about who to hire, but AI can make their job easier and more effective.“

That’s why we see executive and professional search as indispensable for sustainable filling of management and key positions. In our art form of direct search, HuntingBrains consultants with over 25 years of industry experience focus on humanity, directness and individuality – to bring together personalities and corporate culture that will stay together.

You are currently looking for the best for your company and would like to learn more about our agile as well as discrete search strategies. Then we look forward to your inquiry and are there for you. Personal, authentic and with the claim to recognize your needs and solve them individually. Choose between our two formats within our HuntingBrains Group:

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More on this topic?

An important question regarding ChatGPT and AI is where we are on the so-called sigmoid function (compare Chart 2). Are we still at the beginning of the development of AI or are we already heading towards the development ceiling. To deepen this question, we leave you attached a YouTube video by Tom Scott, which vividly deepens this thought. And for those who might have heard a lot about ChatGPT so far, but couldn’t quite grasp how AI works, you can find an explanatory video by Mr. Holger von Jouanne-Diedrich – Professor of Business Informatics at TH Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences.

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